My several-day card-dead streak ended late last night (see previous post) and the heater continued on today on Bodog and at CC's. The final play in the tournament was my two pair with Ace kicker vs a flush draw, a classic confrontaton that could have gone either way.
It seemed like the person who had my number tonight was Katitude. I won chips from other players and then donked them off to her. I hope that she appreciated my "generousity."
Of course, I am now faced with a question for myself: If I need the good cards to do well, do I really suck?
Oh ... and thanks, Ohio State, for winning a squeaker and not totally demolishing my bracket.
Hey John,
Nice finish...! Just wanted to drop by and confirm I am alive and well, just been busy as all hell.
Talk to ya later,
Good Game Light.
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