So ... how was your Tuesday? Mine was just peachy. For starters, my pregnant sister-in-law who is visiting had some medical problems and had to go to the emergency room of a local hospital. She is okay, thank goodness.
Work was busy from the first to the last minute. I then had to do some quick grocery shopping before dinner, then barbecued. There's twelve hours shot to hell. When I went off to play in my first tourney, you'd have thought I had been sitting on my butt all day by the look I got from my wife. Hey -- I didn't invite her family over on a good poker night, did I?
1) CardsChat Freeroll -- Missed some of it (see above), then chased a flush draw to double up or bust out. Dong -- see ya later.
2) NYRambler's Series -- Missed the beginning of this rebuy, then went all in with a decent hand (for a cheap rebuy). Lost the hand, and then had a problem with my wireless mouse, lost my internet connection, and subsequently was timed out on my rebuy attempt. That sucked. Out in about four minutes.
3) All Vegas Poker (AVP) Tournament -- Had a strong hand and completely missed the stronger one my opponent had. Careless mistake that cost me my tournament life.
4) Blogger Skillz Game -- Ding ... we have a wiener! I kept hitting virtually every flop early, then stayed aggressive when the cards went south, then hit some flops hard at the end to get the victory in this Limit Hold Em donkathon. That's me -- head donkey tonight!
Oh ... and a special shout out toUSA Olympic gymnast Alicia Sacramone, who made two heartbreaking errors in team competition tonight. Alicia is one of the few gymnasts who actually has breasts and doesn't look like she is ten years old. It must be tough screwing up on a national stage, cameras following your every move after your mistakes, and still trying to hold your head high. Props to this tough young lady.
And finally ... my oldest daughter wants a pet - a chinchilla. It's always something ... right, Mom?
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