Random Thoughts on Sunday Night

** We picked up a nice used car for the kids this past week -- a 2001 Toyota RAV4 (pictured above). The car belonged to a visiting university scholar who was leaving the country. It will replace my dad's old 1992 Honda Accord, which my dad gave me shortly before he passed away. In the spirit of paying it forward, I gave the Accord to my sister-in-law, who could really use it. And yes -- it felt good! Now, as long as I can cope without having some type of Honda -- breaking a streak of 21 years of Honda ownership -- I will be okay.
** My wife had been using Facebook recently to keep connected with her family. I reactivated my account to do so also, and now have reconnected with friends I have not seen nor spoken to in fifteen or more years. It is gratifying to know that many of the students with whom I worked have become successful adults. Now if only I can get much better at Mafia Wars ...
** My wife and I will be traveling to Memphis this coming weekend. The trip had been planned for some time, but our summer schedule got all screwed up with my wife's accident, her job loss, and my son's drivers ed class. We hope to meet up with Memphis MOJO on Sunday.
** I have been playing a little online poker the past few weeks, but am really in a summer lull. I did take down the blogger Skillz tournament last week (7 Card Stud), but other than that, nothing of note. I decided against playing in some midwest tournaments, so I am itching for some live poker action.
as long as I can cope without having some type of Honda -- breaking a streak of 21 years of Honda ownership -- I will be okay.
I had a 1980 Honda, a 1989 Honda and a 1995 Honda. Great cars. (Have Toyota Camry now, they're good cars, too.)
Looking forward to seeing your family this weekend and paying off my last-longer bet at Corky's!!!
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