Nothing like a game of Razz to get the blood flowing. Brick ... brick ... brick ... then you actually win a hand. Is any poker game more of a crap shoot? Granted, there are some skills involved, but you lose when your A-2-3-4 can't catch a final low card and win when you hit a lucky card on the river.
Congrats on the win. I railed for a while, but finally deserted the razz ship.
Way to go sir, outstanding.
Great Win, and you have my feeling about Razz summed up completely in your post
Cleaning up post BBT!
Nice job. I was watching for a little while. Nice comeback.
Well done! Congrats!
Isn't that the same luck/unluck as any other poker game? Screwed when you miss the final card you're drawing out, and luck out when you hit on the river/final street?
K_Kahne_Fan: The big difference, imo, is that a great start to a Razz hand can be totally busted with brick ... brick ... brick on 5th, 6th, and 7th street. A good Hold Em hand, like AA preflop, for example, is still at least a high pair no matter happens on the flop, turn, or river and can still win.
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