Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Fun Friday Night
Friday was a long day at work. Not that there was any one thing that was bad or stressful, but it was more a matter of cumulative wearing down. Not just the day or the week, but several weeks.

My usual routine had been to go to Las Vegas on Labor Day weekend to wind down after the busy season at work, but this year the Sin City trip just did not work out due to a special project I am leading. September has just been dragging on. At the end of the day on Friday I was asleep at my desk. My plan for the weekend -- get to sleep a little early Friday night and review a 500+ page training guide on Saturday.

I got home from work, ate, and was on the computer when my wife asked me to take my oldest daughter to the local convenient care health center. My daughter had been sick for several days and was feeling some pain. So ... I took her to convenient care at 7:15 p.m. The on duty doctor/PA recommended that I take my daughter to the hospital emergency room.

We got to the emergency room just before 8:00 p.m. On a Friday night. A busy Friday night. Time to begin grabbing the ankes. Thank goodness I had the foresight to bring my new copy of Sports Illustrated with me.

We finally got in to an examination room about 10:30. A few nurses came in to take vitals and some information. The doctor didn't make it in until 12:30 a.m. After a quick examination, he ordered a CT scan. This involved my daughter having to drink some contrast material and then, of course, having to wait. Nothing went quickly.

The CT scan showed nothing abnormal. It looks like the worst thing my daughter had wrong with her was some dehydration and a urinary tract infection. We left the hospital after 5:00 a.m. We stopped at the McDonald's drive through and got home at about 6:00 a.m.

Looks like the weekend plans will undergo some revision.


Blogger Memphis MOJO said...

Glad to hear she's ok

11:12 AM  
Blogger PokahDave said...

Wow...ditto for what Memphis said. That reminds me of my 4 year old getting the 'croup' and spending the whole night in the emergency room. One Dr. who seemed nice enough decided to put my daughter and us (new parents at the time) through every test available. After a spinal tap among other things she had an ear infection! The guy had a French accent and was apparently from Montreal. Now I get pissed off when I hear a french

12:27 PM  

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