WBCOOP Event #2 Update

Still at work and have had no dinner. Seven hours plus. More tomorrow.
Thanks to all the guys who railed me. Gotta get some dinner and get home!
I was all ready to go with PokerStars WBCOOP Event #2 -- Omaha. just me and 1633 fellow bloggers. The starting time was 4:00pm Central Time -- way early for those of us in the midwestern United States. It could have been worse -- say Pacific Time? I was busy closing down some things at work and wasn't able to get home for the start. Actually, it seems I do better isolated at my desk at work with no distractions. My plan was to get home by 6:00pm for dinner unless I was having a little luck with the tournament.
After having to fold a big hand early (as least my donkey powers told me that I was probably beat), I tightened up and looked to double up, then selectively play hands. This strategy kept me in the game and got me enough chips so that I could play a solid game and watch the other players bust. The next thing I knew, it was way past dinner time. No food -- just a two liter bottle of diet soda to keep me company.
Around the time we got to the first bubble, I was seated at a table with IlliniFan97 and bastinptc -- two Illinois guys. It was almost like playing in a home game. I got pissed off when I decided not to play my 10-10-rag-rag and saw a flop of 10-10-rag. Grrrr. Shortly thereafter, both the other guys hit quads and were about to leave me in the dust. I doubled up, however, and then watched the other guys get coolered. Great game, gentlemen. It was fun talking with you and playing with you!
The whole tournament, I had been keeping an eye on BrainMc, who was in the top ten most of the tournament. He took a nasty runner-runner beat and ended up falling behind me, finishing in 25th place -- a fate he certainly did not deserve. Thanks for sticking around to sweat me, bro.
As we approached the final table top nine bubble ($215 SCOOP entry vs a $33 SCOOP entry), I had a decent sized stack. Two shorties seemed to hang on forever until I busted one in 10th place. Pretty funny -- he hung around to try to hex me for the next, oh, 90 minutes or so. I think he was my good luck charm. C'mon bro -- I'm waiting for you to post here!
My good hands had been holding up and I only sucked out a few times in over seven hours of play. However, the final hand (screenshot above) was a killer. You'd think that if you flopped a boat four-handed you would be ahead. The only hand that was ahead of me would be if my opponent had the remaining two 8's. I had a feeling he did, but no way was I folding. We were both all in. And he showed two 8's. It looked like I was down to one out, but then I hit a King on the turn. Two more outs, but ... bah! At least I didn't lose on a suckout. Since second through ninth places won the same ticket, at least I didn't have to feel bad about not finishing a place or two higher. Guess I'll settle for fourth.
It was interesting to read the chat comments, live blogging posts, and tweets from bloggers on the rail, most who I do not know. To them, I was the unknown guy who somehow flew in under the radar. I was described by one as a luckbox. I was called a bot. Good times! Meanwhile, I kept thinking about how some of my blogger buddies railing me probably figured out what I had and what I did on several hands. Being the unknown quantity really helped.
Thanks to some of my blogger buddies who sweated me and/or kept tabs on my progress -- BrainMc, IlliniFan97, bastinptc, Memphis MOJO, NumbBono, smokkee, Bam-Bam, and probably others who were not able to get their chat comments in.
Best of luck to my regular blogger crowd in the remaining events. Let's see if one of us can take one down!
Super congrats! I was railing you and it was exciting. So close, nice job.
Congrats, and nice chatting with you.
Well done sir! Congrats!
Great work !
Awesome!! Congrats!!!
Well done and well deserved Sir!
Learn to fold you perv. Nice job though!
Way to go!
Nice job sir!
nice job.
Way to go Lightning! Sorry I missed all of the fun online.
I wish you all the best in the SCOOP event :-)
Wow, awesome...huge finish. Hope you can take the $215 ticket and run deep deep deep with it!
Way to go! Hope you can turn that entry into a big win!
Great Job! Time to parlay now! GL!
Fantastic! Good luck in the big one!
Sweating you and CK as the last ones standing in the ME. GL!
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