Okay, I just have to post about this. The times when I get to post about athletic exploits are usually few and far between.
Like a lot of guys who grew up in the USA, I played lots of sports -- baseball, basketball, football, track, etc. Once you start getting older, it is tough to see your athletic skills diminish -- even if they weren't that great to begin with. When the knees start hurting and you see the legs go, you have to get used to a new reality. You envy the guys you are playing against when they are less than half your age and still have the speed and the skills that you used to have years ago.
I still play softball although I was tempted to retire after last season. I hate to be the team bumbler. Anyway, I told myself that I would play at least one more season, but I would have to be in better shape.
I missed the first two games of this season due to my trips to the Cubs home opener and to the Mayo Clinic. I was using today as a transition day from the Minnesota trip and slept several hours in the afternoon. I felt totally like crap. I thought I'd go to the game tonight and just be there as a back-up in case we were short guys or someone got hurt.
As luck would have it, several guys could not play and I was the last-minute replacement to pitch. Well, what the hell, I'd give it a shot. I used to be the regular pitcher but stopped a few seasons ago when I felt like my reflexes were no longer good enough to snatch balls coming up the middle. I had only pitched a few innings in the past couple of years.
Well ... I only walked one guy and was the winning pitcher in a game that was halted by the 15-run rule after four innings. Better yet, I was three for three at bat, including a bases loaded double (got to third on the throw to the plate), a hard shot to left, and a bloop hit. I mean really -- when was the last time I hit one over the center fielder's head?
So ... after two weeks of inactivity, I go to the game, pitch well, and kick ass at the plate against a team that was comprised of guys much younger and in better shape than me. Best game I have had in some time. Sometimes things just work out.
Nothing like softball season to remind you that winter is indeed over. Nice game!
Base clearing two- bagger over the centerfield's head. Nice!
Sounds like those steroids kicked in at just the right time!
Score one for us old guys.
Outstanding, baseball's version of blogging "I run so good.".
You know what comes next!
Hope you avoid traction!
I assume you were playing slowpitch?? I played ball for years until about 4 years ago. I still miss it.The last few years it was on mixed teams which were an absolute blast. We called it beer league ball. Congrats on the great game.
Atta Boy!
Way to go Lightning!!! Not bad for a guy I met during the WSOP Seniors NLH tournament last year . . . :-P
Way to post an awesome linescore for the fogies!
Somebody put the EMTs on alert for the next game.
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