A Day at Ho-Chunk Wisconsin Dells
My niece was having a baby shower in Madison, WI, so early Saturday morning my wife and I began a journey north. Fortunately, I had already made plans for the day before we found out that the shower was also for spouses. Baby shower? Yeah -- guys have ton of fun at those!
After checking into our hotel, I dropped my wife off at the shower and proceeded further north about another 40 minutes to play poker at Ho-Chunk Wisconsin Dells. I had arranged to meet Lester, a regular at the Roughingthepunter.com forum, and another member, martin_gale, also planned to be there. Sure enough, they were both already playing when I got there. Lester and I exchanged small gifts. What I got for Lester:
It was meant to be used in case he took a bad beat and needed something to throw. I'm sure he was tempted when a clown at the table seemed proud of taking a bunch of Lester's chips after calling a raise with 6-2os ...
Lester had previously promised me a pound of gold after he won the Power Ball lottery. As luck would have it, he never did win the lottery, but gave me some gold nonetheless:
Play at first was brutal as it appeared that none of us were catching any cards at all. martin_gale needed to leave, and soon thereafter I was down a couple of hundred. However, he was replaced by a guy who was gifting chips to the table, and I was the biggest recipient. Soon my $200 deficit was a $200 profit. Guys like that are welcome at the table any anytime!
After our session, Lester and I grabbed some dinner as we solved the mysteries of gambling and life.
While Lester went to check out his VIP suite at Ho-Chunk, I decided to play some slots. Unfortunately, my girl Britney Spears was not generous to me, u see. Wonder Woman was however, but the slots in general seemed pretty tight, which is to expected at a tribal casino.
I did play a final session of poker by myself, but with few hands I could play, I dumped some of my profits from the first session. With a 40 minute drive back to Madison in the dark ahead of me, I didn't stay too long.
So ... I got in several hours of poker and met some classy guys who I had only known online. I have met a ton of nice people via poker and will continue to do so in the years ahead.
After checking into our hotel, I dropped my wife off at the shower and proceeded further north about another 40 minutes to play poker at Ho-Chunk Wisconsin Dells. I had arranged to meet Lester, a regular at the Roughingthepunter.com forum, and another member, martin_gale, also planned to be there. Sure enough, they were both already playing when I got there. Lester and I exchanged small gifts. What I got for Lester:

Lester had previously promised me a pound of gold after he won the Power Ball lottery. As luck would have it, he never did win the lottery, but gave me some gold nonetheless:
Play at first was brutal as it appeared that none of us were catching any cards at all. martin_gale needed to leave, and soon thereafter I was down a couple of hundred. However, he was replaced by a guy who was gifting chips to the table, and I was the biggest recipient. Soon my $200 deficit was a $200 profit. Guys like that are welcome at the table any anytime!
After our session, Lester and I grabbed some dinner as we solved the mysteries of gambling and life.
While Lester went to check out his VIP suite at Ho-Chunk, I decided to play some slots. Unfortunately, my girl Britney Spears was not generous to me, u see. Wonder Woman was however, but the slots in general seemed pretty tight, which is to expected at a tribal casino.
I did play a final session of poker by myself, but with few hands I could play, I dumped some of my profits from the first session. With a 40 minute drive back to Madison in the dark ahead of me, I didn't stay too long.
So ... I got in several hours of poker and met some classy guys who I had only known online. I have met a ton of nice people via poker and will continue to do so in the years ahead.
Nice story..you cant beat a poker road trip!
I have to admit that I think the shape of that stapler lends itself to being used as a projectile as its main function. Perhaps that gold Canookian coin can be used on a Miss Kitty slot?
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I am about one hour away from checking out from my VIP king suite and in hindsight wish I would have packed a pint of medicinal brandy to sooth my pain after that brutal poker session. a long jacuzzi session did the trick though.
Since I don't possess the MGUI gene even though I lost about $3XX yesterday it was in fact fun playing with Martin and Lightning. Lightning ended up being a much better poker player than I was led to believe. And I almost did bounce that stapler off of Mr:2-6off's forehead but instead only held it in my hands to calm myself down. thanks again for that meetup gift and dinner afterwards!
BTW your gift came from apmex.com [I actually use jmbullion.com more often]. Check out the detail on that one gram Canadian maple leaf with a magnifying Glass when you get a chane!
You left out the most important part of the story....was Lester's stapler ever thrown? And if so, at whom?
I prefer the far more swarthy looking lester from his RTP avatar.
i see lightning fin@lly le@rned the import@nce of timely upd@ting the blog. (i too need to le@rn this)
Wonder why the casinos don't make the slots a little looser. Wouldn't they get more action, or not?
I almost chucked the stapler at the guy who called my $20ish preflop raise with 2-6 which made trips on the flop and failed to fold when I shoved my JJ. He was shorter stacked than I was and I knew he was going to bluff me if he didn't have it which I of course would call so my action-player play was to shove into his trip 6s if that makes sense? So while I contemplated chucking it at the villain instead I just held it in both hands to calm myself.
You are correct PPP. When I am more in the RTP groom I am far more swarthy such that when I shit in the woods the local bears find someplace else to take a dump.
And Lightning did fess up why he was delinquent on a talking stick trip report but he swored me to secrecy u see...
To close out this post the next thing about Ho Chunk will answer Mojo's question. I had mysterious $5 charge on my room reciept hard-copy that had no explanation whatsover next to it. Just blank space. I didn't notice until I got home but later did call Ho Chunk and found out those assholes charge $1 per each piece of single-server bathroom product. So the other day when I did flip through the 3ring binder in the room I did see $1 replacement fees listed for all of the toiletries on the page that said how much it would cost if I stold the wall art or took the TVs or any of the linens. I actually only used the bath soap and thought if these assholes really do charge $1 each for these toiletries then I will only get stuck for a buck but I wondered what technology the maid service used to get that accurate billing to the front desk to proper charge between zero and $5 for those assorted toiletries? Guess what, there is zero technology. They just charge $5 regardless if you use all the toiletries or not. I will let PPP sort out if a class action lawsuit is needed or not. Leaving the $5 charge line on the reciept BLANK appears to be an expost facto admission of guilt on the HoChunk casino's part??? Looser slots??? No fuckin' way...
Here's something I think is worse than the $5 replacement fee. I drove to Atlantic City to play a WSOP Circuit event. They charged me $10 to park, and it went up to $15 on Friday and $20 on Saturday. Let me get this straight -- they are charging me to come there and lose my money, right? Gimme a break.
The name is Ho-Chunk? There's a dirty joke in there somewhere.
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