Only one thing to do to lick my wounds-- spend some quality time at the best site on the internet. Please join me!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Only one thing to do to lick my wounds-- spend some quality time at the best site on the internet. Please join me!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Rumor has it that the lightning household also has a donkey, but that is a topic for another day ...
1) At a Cake Poker new depositors freeroll I have top pair good kicker after the flop. I am somewhat short stacked and in the hand with one other person (her stack was bigger), so I push all in. She calls off most of her chips with A-Jos. No pairs, just two unmatched overcards after the flop. Of course, a Jack appears on the turn, sending me to the rail.
2) CardsChat freeroll. Several people limp in and the button (big stack) goes all in. He is called by ... Q-10os! The button pushed with Big Slick. Of course, I don't have to tell you who won the hand.
3) CardsChat freeroll. I have Q-Q and make a big raise. An opponent goes all in with ... 6-6! Of course, a 6 comes on the flop -- bye bye. At least this player had the decency to say "sorry."
I play freerolls to support the online poker groups to which I belong and play in other special events like the new depositor freeroll. Tough to justify the time you invest, however.

Thanks to the Shark Poker Tour regulars who sweated me at the end. Much appreciated!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tonight's Blogger Skillz Game (Omaha) victory actually made me get off my duff and post. The nice thing about the victory was that the other bloggers in at the end -- bayne_s, PirateLawyer, and NumbBono -- are all tough hombres. It looked like I was about to bubble when my patience paid off. A little luck never hurts either.
I can't say the same for tonight's Bodonkey. I was sailing along as one of the chip leaders when I got sucked out on big time. In the big hand, I had a set of 7's after the flop -- middle set. There were two others in the hand. I went all in (I had both players covered) and much to my surprise, both players called! The first had bottom set and the other had pocket Aces which he couldn't lay down. So ... even with two guys all in ahead of him and only having an overpair after the flop, the guy with Aces hits a two-outer on the river and sends me back in the pack instead of being the chip leader. I eventually bubbled the tournament in 6th place -- a bitter pill to swallow, for sure.
The night before, I finished 88th out of 1,400 in the Full Tilt $28,000 Guarantee. K-7 sucking out against my A-K kept me from making a deeper run.
And ... last week I finished 5th out of over 800 at a private freeroll, scoring a nice $330+ score.
November is one of the busiest months in my job and I have been very busy. I'll update my blog within a few days to talk about things going on in my life.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A third place finish in the Bodonkey? How did that happen?
To start with, $mokkee pwned my A-A with J-J. I limped in and waited for a raise -- a risky move, of course. $mokkee went all in and I called within about 1/10 second. J-J > A-A, naturally. After being crippled, I pooshed when needed, got some chips, and then selectively pooshed with good cards or when forced to due to stack size.
Although I regularly complain about the bad beats I take and consider myself unlucky, I hit a looooooong lucky streak, hitting flops, turns, and rivers, and sucking out more times in one tournament than I usually do in several months. Some other players went out on nasty beats, and eventually I was in the top three. My luck finally ran out, however. Third place -- I'll take it !
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Have you read the recent posts by jjok? He wrote a very touching story about his grandmother who recently passed away. I lost my last grandparent over twenty years ago. However, when I began dating my wife, I was lucky enough to pick up a complete new set. However, they have all passed away over the past twenty-some years. The last, Grandma Rudolph, was a cagey card player who loved to bust my butt playing Rummy Royal. I've got a feeling that she would be happy to see me busting some donks at the cash tables.
For jjok's grandma and all the other grandparents who were special to us, may you already be enjoying your reward for the ways you touched our lives. May their loved ones be comforted with happy memories.
My high school recently celebrated fifty years with an all-class reunion. I learned that an old next-door neighbor died this summer. However, I didn't find out that he was murdered until tonight.
Ed Forst was a pitcher in high school and threw the best sinker I had ever seen. His younger brother was one of my friends. Their family moved away before I started high school, and we never really knew what happened to them.
For Ed and all other people who have died through senseless violence, may you be in paradise with the Lord. May your families continue to be comforted by their faith, their family, and their friends.

(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama didn't know his aunt might be living illegally in the United States, as media outlets are reporting, his campaign said Saturday.
"Sen. Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws [should] be followed," campaign spokesman Bill Burton said.
According to The Associated Press, a court refused four years ago to accept the asylum application of Zeituni Onyango, 56, the half-sister of Obama's Kenyan father. However, she has continued to live in a public housing complex in South Boston, AP reported.
Onyango's refusal to leave the country would be an administrative violation, not a criminal matter.
CNN has not been able to independently verify her immigration status.
Obama called the woman "Aunt Zeituni" in his memoirs, where he described her as the first Kenyan relative he encountered on his visit to his father's home country.
She told the Times that she travels back and forth between the United States and Kenya.
"I have been coming to America ever since 1975. I always come and go," the Times quoted her as saying.
Onyango has donated at least five times to Obama's campaign in July and September, listing her occupation as a "volunteer resident health advocate." Federal campaign finance records indicate several contributions in amounts of $5 and $25.
The gifts would appear to violate federal campaign finance law, which prohibits political donations by non-U.S. citizens.
"The responsibility is the campaign's to ensure the funds they receive are from permissible sources in appropriate amounts," Bob Biersack, a spokesman for the Federal Election Commission, told The Times of London.
Liar liar, pants on fire ... : o )
Get used to it, my friends ...
Obama's see no evil, hear no evil (Tony Rezko, Rev Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, et al) defense is getting old already.