I never suspected when I asked lightning to let me tell
about our vacation, that it would take three installments. But I know that when a post gets too long,
people stop reading. So in an effort to bore
keep you entertained, I thought it best to divide it up. I should probably have made this a four-part
tale, but I have to give lightning a chance to write again. So here is part
three, the final chapter.
proved to be rather uneventful, and thus totally pleasant. I went to the pool in the morning. Harrah’s has a great lounging pool. The water is only about 10” deep, and they
have lounge chairs place in it. It was
easy to stay cool and get some sun all at the same time.
After the pool, lightning and I went to Ellis Island for lunch. It was pretty good. But lightning seemed to think we were in a hurry to get to my spa appointment. So after eating quickly, and telling the waiter we were in a hurry and needed the check, we got to my appointment about 10 minutes earlier than the 10 minutes early they had told me to check in. I happily went next door to a fabric store for those ten minutes. While I got my mani/pedi, lightning went back to gamble for a couple of hours.

with laying out, going to the spa, and gambling, we were both pretty exhausted,
so a nap was called for. After a little
snooze, we went to dinner at P.F. Chang’s, where we got the dinner for
two. Excellent, of course. Then we strolled the strip, stopping to take
in the Bellagio fountains and the numerous street performers, including a guy
dressed up like…wait for it…a penis. I’m not sure what it says about me that it
took me a while to recognize what it was.
Of course, like all those other “character” costumes, it was made out of
fake fur. Maybe that’s what threw me
off. Fortunately, the young mother with
a 4 or 5 year old was urging her son to get moving, so he swerved off his
trajectory toward the penis to get a hug. I can only imagine the conversation
that would have ensued if that had happened!

After a couple of hours of walking around, shopping,
stopping to play some slots, people watching, etc., we returned to the hotel:
me to get my HGTV fix, catch up on work email, and to read; lightning to go
back to out to play poker.
last day. We slept in (not hard for
lightning since he didn’t get back until about 5 am!), then I went to the
pool. Lightning went to play poker, and
I was to text him when I was ready to go eat lunch. While at the pool, my left eye started
hurting unbearably. Both eyes had been
red for a couple of days, which I attributed to hotel air. But this was pain. Not wanting to disrupt lightning’s poker, I
texted him that I was going to Walgreen’s to get some ointment and would be in
touch. So I walked to the Walgreen’s
just north of Harrah’s at the Venetian.
I explained to the pharmacist that I thought I had a corneal abrasion
(please read that again, it DOES NOT say corn meal, as several of my FB friends
misread). She told me that I’d have to see a doctor. Just my luck, there was a health clinic right
in the Walgreen’s. Also my luck, it was
1:05 and the doctor had just left for a one hour lunch. Fortunately, she came back early and took a
look. She couldn’t see anything, but
said I needed to go to urgent care. So I texted lightning that I was going to
walk there. He asked if I wanted him to
get me, but being the poor, kind-hearted, long-suffering soul that I am I told
him that it was pointless to ruin both our afternoons, and I’d text him when I
was finished.
are quite deceiving in Las Vegas. It
turns out that the urgent care facility was almost 1 ½ miles away. By the time I got there, walking in 101
degrees, with a very painful eye, having had nothing to eat all day, and
developing a headache to boot, I was pretty disconsolate. Add in a rather unfriendly staffer at the
clinic, and it didn’t take much to have me sitting in the waiting room in
tears. After a wait while they checked
to make sure my insurance was good (I had forgotten my card back in Illinois,
so called home to have my kids text me a photo of it so I’d have the info!), I
was finally called back. The doctor
immediately putting numbing drops in my eye, then a dye. Blessed relief! The doctor said I did indeed have “a small
scratch” and proceeded to prescribe two kinds of drops—an antibiotic and an
anti-inflammatory. During the process,
she managed to say about two or three more times that it was “a small
scratch”. She said this in such as way
as to imply that I shouldn’t really be in pain. Back in the waiting room I
texted lightning to come get me as I was not feeling so great by that
point. While I waited I excitedly
realized that I had change in my purse and there was a vending machine in the
waiting room. So I indulged in an ice
cream sandwich while I waited.
Lightning finally arrived.
It took a while as he was playing poker at the Mirage He had to wait for a chance to exit, walk back to our room at Harrah’s to get the car keys,
get the car, then find the urgent care.
Once he got me, we decided to go get some lunch and then try to get the
prescriptions filled. On the way to
lunch we had to pull over because I thought I was going to be sick. False alarm.
On to Del Taco for tacos for lightning and a burger for me. Back in the car, I warned lightning that I
was going to be sick. We were in multi
lanes of traffic, with no shoulder and no businesses. What’s a girl to do if she doesn’t want to
puke in the rental car? She grabs her
readily available cup of water she just finished drinking and uses it. Let’s just leave it at that.
Back at
the room I convinced lightning that I would be fine for the Cirque du Soleil
show that night if I just took a nap. So
while he went to get my prescriptions, I got a 20 minute nap, and then
showered. By the time lightning
returned, I was feeling almost my old self. lightning quickly showered and we
were off to the show. We saw Mystere,
one of several Cirque shows. We both
concluded that it was good, but certainly not worth the ticket price.

the show we walked around a bit, and then got some dinner. Finally we went back to the room, where I
began to pack in preparation for the next morning, while lightning took off to
find another Walgreen’s to get the prescription that the first one couldn’t fill
earlier. After bringing it back to the
room and checking on me, he went to get in one last night of gambling. I finished packing so that it would all be
done and I could get an hour or so at the pool in the morning without having to
worry about getting ready to go. The
entire time I was muttering about how pissed I was that the last day had turned
out this way and that I was turning into my mother. My mother, bless her, never comes to visit us
without a trip to the emergency room. My
mood was definitely not great for someone on vacation!
I don’t
remember what time lightning stumbled in—4:00 or 5:00 am I think. About 8 or so his phone alerted him to a
text. Our flight was delayed 3 hours. That meant we wouldn’t be getting in and
starting our 2+ hour drive home from Midway Airport until late.
Check out time was at 11:00, so we’d be sitting around the airport for
about 6 or 7 hours. Oh joy.
At this point, lightning realized that neither of us had
anything we needed to be back for. So I
headed to the pool while he headed to check out staying an extra night. After confirming with the hotel, the airline,
and the car rental agency, lighting texted me to take my time...we weren’t
leaving until the next day. Yippee! The best part was that it was our
anniversary, which we would have spent in the airport and in the air. Now we
could relax.
I spent
the rest of the day sunning and shopping, while lightning played poker.
That evening we decided to hit up California
Pizza Kitchen for dinner.
Then we
grabbed a great dessert at Carnegie Deli, walked around a bit more, catching
the tail-end of the fire show at the Mirage, and finally back to the room to
share our dessert.
It was a totally
relaxing day after the fiasco of the day before.
morning while lightning showered and packed, I went on one last shopping
excursion to buy a pair of sandals I’d had my eye on since we arrived on
Then off to the airport for an
uneventful flight back to Illinois.
made great time out of the airport, and stopped at Portillo’s for supper.
Then we finally headed on the road to
As on the way to Kingman,
lightning had great ideas for how I could keep him awake on the drive.
I of course suggested that maybe next time he
make it back a little earlier from his poker playing and actually get some sleep.
you have it: the exciting tale of two middle-aged, middle class, central
Illinois folks and their vacation.
Despite a flood and an eye emergency, it was a wonderful, relaxing
I got to shop and sun, lightning
got to play poker, we got to visit with friends and family, and we both got to
enjoy each other’s company. It was everything a vacation should be.