So the plan was to hit that final cash game for an hour or two max. I'd already won more than double what I'd lost at the circuit event tournament, so I sat down with $160, instead of my usual $200. I was sitting in the one seat next to the dealer, which was very enjoyable. I probably had about 4 different dealers in that session but my favorite was an older Asian man, and I should be so bold as to say that I too was his favorite....but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Sitting in the one seat....youngish, fratboyish kinda guy is sitting in the 2 seat, sambuca guy is in 3 seat, a friend of mine in 4....fratboy's friends were in 6 and 9. Very young, very good player in 5....let's call him Baby Boy, and Sunglasses was in 7 or 8.
Poor Sunglasses! First of all, he really sucked at poker. He played way too many hands and quite badly, he got lucky before I got there so he had a lot of money in front of him (heard about it ad nauseum) and he was to my right. I watched him play badly for a bit and decided I was going to be in as many pots with him as I could. In cash, I like to wait and watch before making my presence known. So I watched about 10 hands played before I had J-J. There were a few limpers, including Sunglasses, but Mama doesn't fuck around in a cash game. I raised it up to $15 and watched everyone fold but Sunglasses. Flop was 7 high and HE bet out. :) Nice. I raised him $30 more and he called. He checked the turn and I bet a bit more. He bet out on the river, which was a 6. Fuck. Did he call all those bets with a middle pair? I called him and he had ace high. Seriously. WTF. Yay me!
Then I played J-10, which everyone knows is the nuts. :) Flop was J-10-X. Sunglasses and I went at it down to the river and I won again. As I said, the more he played, so did I. It was awesome. I left him severely short stacked and Fratboy ended up taking him out when Sunglasses jammed all in preflop with K-K. At this point everyone knew J-10 was my favorite hand and Fratboy felted him with it. Ugly.

After that the Baby Boy, who was an excellent player, took down a pot of mine where I had 2 pair and he hit a flush on the river. Grrr I looked him in the eye and said, I will get all my money back, plus more. I did! He finally said "Stop it! You got your money back!" All the while Frat Boy and I were buds...high fiving and whatnot. I took a bit of his money but also had to fold pots to him where he bet out and I didn't connect with the flop. Nothing wrong with that until.....My friend in the 4 seat told me something. I went to pee (I'd been having cappuccinos but Sambuca Guy suggest some Buca to sip on, and who was I to disagree). Friend said that whenever I looked at my hole cards Frat Boy, who was sitting kinda behind me cuz his chair was pulled out was cheating and looking at my cards.
I WAS FURIOUS! That motherfucker being all buddy, buddy. First I tried an experiment. I got back to the table, lifted my hole cards and turned lickety-split to my left and sure enough he was craning his neck to get a look. I didn't say a word about it, but also, the buddy buddy shiat stopped. I kept playing, steadily increasing my stack until I had over $600 in front of me. The Asian dealer dealt me 5 winning hands in a row. I'd tip him, thank him and he's say "No, Thank YOU!". Finally, I had to toss J-7 off suit because someone raised to $16 pre. I was sad but tossed it to end my streak but the old guy took a peek. Flop was 7-7-X. Of course I couldn't call that raise pre, but still, one should ride the wave when one is on a roll. Afterwards the old Asian man said "Missy, you are hot." I batted my eyelashes and said "Are you flirting with me?" and gave him another buck just for the heck of it. He started stammering and someone at the table agreed that I was hot. LOL

However, there was still douchebaggy frat boy to deal with. You should know that I *never* slow play, especially in a cash game, but this time I did. I had A-2 sooted hearts and limped in. Frat boy came in raising and just because I was pissed off, I called. We were heads up and flop was 2-2-X. I immediately checked and he bets. Cue the bad acting....I hem and haw and finally call. Turn was some spade that put 2 spades on the board. I think, motion to my chips, then smile and check. He makes a bet of about $40. I groan but really, I'm thrilled. I *think* a bit, toy with my chips and say "Fuck it, I call. One card dealer, just this once!". River is a complete miss. I look crestfallen and check. What I didn't expect was for him to go all in. I instacalled! He looked like he got kicked in the nuts, which would've been almost as good. He didn't want to show his hand, but I did pay for the show so he did. He had a pair, a middle pair. He also had a huge stack in front of him, and it had to be shifted in its entirety to me. Yummy. His buddies kept busting his balls about it too, which I loved. About 15 minutes later I got a couple of racks and racked up, much to the groans of my opponents. :) Great way to end the trip, even though it didn't start so well.
Play smart.